Aspire Licensing and Administrative Services offers a one stop shop for all licensing services applied for under the Licensing Act 2003.  We provide advice to restaurants, bars, clubs, nightclubs, convenience stores, supermarkets, hotels and breweries.  We can deal with all steps of your applications making the process as smooth and hassle free to you, often saving time and money.  We can take your initial instructions , provide relevant training to you and your staff, draft and submit applications to all relevant authorities, draft relevant documentation to be enclosed with your application including agreed operating schedules, liaise with responsible authorities and objectors should you receive any representations to your application with a view to reaching a compromise, provide advice and guidance should a contested hearing need to be arranged and assist with representation should you wish to be represented by one of our agents at your hearing.


Licensing applications can be objected to on the grounds of the four licensing objectives:-

  • The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
  • The Protection of Children from Harm
  • The Prevention of Public Nuisance
  • Public Safety

Why Choose Us?

If you have ever asked yourself any of the following questions, we can help!!!

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Bookings and enquiries

Should you wish to book yourself or your staff on any of our courses then please fill out the online booking form.

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